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No title This page does not yet exist. [#8011]

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reply No title This page does not yet exist. (2019-08-28 18:58) [#11414]

The only link to a page was removed. When searching, the page appears in the results with a small amount of its original content, but when clicking the link we get to a page containing "No title".

Is this normal? If so it discourages creating a page rather than adding to one already there.

PJTraill: Re: No title This page does not yet exist. (2019-08-30 02:39) [#11418]

I am sorry you were confused. The text

No title
This page does not yet exist.
If you like you can create it now: Create page?

is what is presented when one follows a link to any non-existent page, regardless of whether it has been deleted or never existed. The content shown by the search may have been cached, or perhaps the page still exists in the database, but is marked as deleted.

This is normal for a page that has been deleted, but has nothing to do with the number of links to the page.

I see you have added the removed content to the forum of Rules of Go - Introductory ([ext] here), which is fine; your suggestions can be discussed there and could lead to an improvement of the page (though we do try to keep that page to the basic minimum).

I am afraid I removed the page Captureorder? because (as remarked by Herman Hiddema) it was misleading and not very helpful to most beginners, although aimed at them. It also used a page name which could have meant many things to many people, so it did not really fit in all that well. But your contribution was helpful anyway; I improved the section on capture to avoid the misunderstanding you described. As for your suggestion to modify or expand the rule, that should be discussed [ext] in the forum rather than here.

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