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What's the point of this page when "About the Opening" exists? [#7556]

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2600:1702:0b60:13a0: What's the point of this page when "About the Opening" exists? (2019-05-01 03:59) [#11364]

Sometimes on the wiki I look up a concept in Go only to find that there are a number of other pages on the same concept, sometimes with pages that only have a few lines of text like this one. Why not just consolidate this to one article to avoid inconvenience?

X Re: What's the point of this page when "About the Opening" exists? (2019-05-03 17:19) [#11366]

Why not consolidate the pages? Because of the nature of hypertext. The virtue of hypertext is links. That means that you can have pages that serve as a hub for further discussion, with links to them. Now, someone who knows what the opening is may have little use for a page that simply says what it is and what terms are used for it and a brief description of it. Like looking up a word you already know in a dictionary. By comparison, "About the Opening" is like an encyclopedia entry, with a fuller discussion.

Sometimes in this Wiki you can see the opposite, where a definitional page, which could have only a paragraph or two, ends up with a full discussion, including different points of view. Someone who just wants to find out about the concept can easily get lost in all of that.

Dieter: ((no subject)) (2019-05-03 15:36) [#11365]

This page discusses the term. "About the opening" goes more deeply into it. I think you are right though.

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