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Please enable superscripts and subscripts [#7118]

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RobertPauli: Please enable superscripts and subscripts (2019-01-11 15:16) [#11300]

How about ^^sup^^ and °°sub°° ?
(share key on my keyboard, Alt+094 and Alt+0176)
Would be usefull for the CGT stuff, and maybe elsewhere too.
Then add these two below to Text Formatting Rules

  • Put doubled caret (^^) on both sides for superscript (e.g. . . . ).
  • Put doubled degree (°°) on both sides for subscript (e.g. . . .).

That's all, can’t be that hard. :-)

ArnoHollosi: Re: Please enable superscripts and subscripts (2019-01-20 14:14) [#11304]

Actually, it can be astonishingly hard :o)

The reason is that many hundred pages are using syntax like '^^', e.g. BQM382. So while thinking up possible syntax and verifying its usage on SL for over an hour, I came up with formulas instead. I assume this is your usecase, right? And you can make sub-/supscripts any way you like ``a_b^c harr ubrace(b_a^c * uarr c_12^23)_(fancy, right?)``.

Does this solve your usecase?

RobertPauli: Re: Please enable superscripts and subscripts (2019-01-21 14:35) [#11305]

Wow, the ``G_t`` example looks absolutely great. Thank you, Arno!



``(odot odot)/(bigcup)``

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