Forum for SOS

Not playing in a round [#665]

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RetEsz: Not playing in a round (2006-10-12 16:51) [#2268]

If someone did not play in a round, how many points added to his SOS ? He can get 0 (zero) point or other ? Can someone earn points without playing ? If someone did not play in a round, could earn the points what earned in other tournaments or he must prove his knowledge every tournament.

ChrisHayashida: Re: Not playing in a round (2006-11-02 20:18) [#2342]

If he does not play, he shouldn't have an additional opponent, right? I would think that his SOS would stay the same from the round before.

wms: ((no subject)) (2006-11-03 17:57) [#2345]

Agreed. If you don't play, you get 0 SOS.

If you don't play you may get 1/2 point (in a Swiss or McMahon tournament). On KGS, if a player asks to sit out a round, they get zero points and zero SOS (and zero SODOS). But if a player is selected by the pairer to sit out (due to an odd number of players in the tournament), then they get 1/2 point, zero SOS, and zero SODOS. It's still worse than actually winning a round by a lot, but at least you don't get so badly punished for being the unlucky one.

reply ((no subject)) (2008-02-22 21:10) [#4373]

Players who miss a round cause problems for SOS. The 2007 London Open is one example of this. It is probable the winner would have been different had one player's opponent only managed to play in 4 rounds of the tournament. It is therefore clearly possible, that an estimated SOS-compensation should be added if you are unfortunate enough to have been paired against somebody who had to miss some rounds. IanDavis

X Re: ((no subject)) (2008-02-22 22:06) [#4374]

Care to elaborate? It seems to me that the winner won all his games (including a win over the second place finisher)? Re: ((no subject)) (2008-02-22 22:12) [#4375]

Sorry, year overlap confusion : [ext]

HermanHiddema: Re: ((no subject)) (2008-02-23 00:36) [#4376]

I don't see how the result would have been different. You seem to be referring to the fact that Ben He played T Mark Hall, who did not play in 4 rounds. Since Ben He finished with SOS of 54 and Ondrej Silt with SOS of 61, it would have only made a difference if T Mark Hall had made an additional 7 wins in those four rounds, which is clearly impossible. Re: ((no subject)) (2008-02-23 01:01) [#4377]

Hmm seems you are right there, although 2nd possible. Still, remains a problem in my opinion :)

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