Forum for KGS Go Server

Why the change of name? [#651]

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Zarlan: Why the change of name? (2006-10-01 21:23) [#2238]

I am a bit confused about the change in name of KGS. I understand the quick change, from K Go Server to the much better sounding recursive acronym it has now. What I don't understand is why has KGS removed Kiseido from it's name in the first place.

I would also like to know what ties KGS has, and has had, with Kiseido.

wms: ((no subject)) (2006-10-04 00:07) [#2248]

Originaly, Kiseido was the only sponsor of KGS. KGS was completely a money losing operation, and Kiseido paid the losses, in return for the name recognition and the ad banner over the login.

Ever since KGS Plus started up, KGS has been earning its own money separate from Kiseido. In addition, KGS is so big now that the advertising that Kiseido was getting was worth much more than they were paying. Between the two, keeping KGS named after Kiseido made less and less sense.

With the name change, it will now be possible for KGS to look for additional sponsors/advertisers, and it is also clearer to go players that the two are two different organizations.

Sorry for the confusion it caused. I didn't put up a big announcement on the subject because, well, it just seemed like the kind of detail that most people wouldn't much care about. Everybody that I talk to thinks of KGS as "KGS", not as "Kiseido," so I decided that changing the meaning of "K" wasn't worth a big announcement.

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