Forum for CGoban 3

rating system [#626]

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reply rating system (2006-09-09 03:18) [#2171]

I hear the rating system will get shaked... i remember the last time it happened a few years ago... it was rather a shock, lots of people (including myself) dropped down 3-4 stones... is the change this time around going to be as dramatic??

Calvin: Re: rating system (2006-09-09 04:38) [#2172]

Yes, the rating for my account is 4 stones higher on the beta server, so it looks like they are going to do some kind of recalibration. On the other hand, they might just carry over the old ratings to the new server when it goes live and the current ones won't be used as seeds. It's been my feeling for some time that KGS ratings are "compressed" (i.e., there is more than one rating point per handicap stone of difference). This could be because the highest rating is 9d and lowest 30k. Other servers (and national ranking systems) often trim the highest and/or lowest rank. Dashn starts at 18k, I think Cyberkiwon only goes up to 7d*, etc. Re: rating system (2006-09-09 05:04) [#2173]

I guess some of this is already explained in the Ratings section of the CGoban3 page.

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