Forum for Rules of Go

Rename (and slightly reorganise) this page? [#534]

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grauniad: Rename (and slightly reorganise) this page? (2006-07-11 09:45) [#1878]

Grauniad I suggest that this page is the logical successor to Rules of Go - Introductory and that it should be renamed "Rules of Go - Advanced". (I know this issue was much discussed before.) That name accurately describes its content and relationship to the introductory page. I further suggest the reference to Rules of Go - Second Tutorial be deleted from the page (and that that page be deleted). The statement that the "second tutorial" page contains further information (about rules) is simply false.

Alternatively, it may be desirable to reorganise the pages a little, so that a page "Rules of Go" contains basically two links: one to the current Rules of Go - Introductory and another to this page, renamed "Rules of Go - Advanced".

With or without this second change, it would be desirable to check all references to these three rules pages to ensure they are referring to the appropriate page. (Is it possible to easily find all links to a given page?)

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