Forum for Drago

Bug - Printing Problems [#531]

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reply Bug - Printing Problems (2006-07-10 14:08) [#1874]

Hi, First of all I would like to congratulate the developers for a job well done. Drago's printing options for go diagrams are extended and very useful.

However, I have found a bug when printing diagrams. When I have letters on a empty spot on the board (i.e. 'A', 'B' etc) they are rendered extremely small in the printout (also in the print preview). When the letter is on a stone, it is printed corectly (and in a different font). Is there any way to fix this?

Otheriwse Drago is the best printing software for go diagrams (next to sgf2misc) I have seen.

Kind regards, Michal

TimK: Re: Bug - Printing Problems (2006-07-11 14:02) [#1879]

While we're on printing, Gilles, the Cancel button in the printing dialog is a little bit confusing. Clicking "Print" and then clicking "Cancel" makes the user feel like he's cancelling the printing job - it should probably be labelled "Close".

GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2006-07-11 15:59) [#1880]

Hello Michal

I cannot see the problem with the last version (2.11). Could you send me ( the file you want to print and the ini file? However, I have found a related problem: backgroud texture appears on the printing preview (RTF or print) for text marks on empty intersections, so I have to make some fixes.

Hello Tim

you are perfectly right! It seems I have some difficulties with Quit/Cancel/Close labels. Changed in next version.


erislover: other printing issue (2006-07-11 21:36) [#1884]

Unless I am tweaking things incorrectly, Drago does not print all braches. I have some problem files and I was hoping to combine them all into one sgf file for printing. sgfmerger combines sgf files rather nicely, in general, but Drago cannot seem to understand that there are indeed two files merged and will only print one or the other, depending on where I am in the tree. Choosing "all" games and "variations" and "end position" seems like the right setting but it does not work.

Otherwise, the printouts are excellent and the configuration options are great too.

GillesArcas: Re: other printing issue (2006-07-12 13:52) [#1886]

Please, could you send me the file you want to print and a description of the result you expect (and the ini file).

Your selection of parameters seems ok and I am interested in taking a look at that.

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