Forum for bugcat

Proposing deletion (moved from Chipper) [#5210]

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bugcat: Proposing deletion (moved from Chipper) (2018-03-22 14:24) [#11096]

bugcat: I'm proposing deletion of this page for three reasons:

1. It's about a minor figure who is only relevant to KGS players 2. This page was last edited in 2010, ie. no new discussion has emerged in the best part of a decade 3. It's a stub

tapir: Re: Proposing deletion (2018-03-22 14:18) [#11099]

I am very happy that someone takes some cleaning work upon himself. Just. Please use the remove template by adding {{remove|REASON_WRITTEN_HERE}} in future (and best announce in edit summary as well). The page is then listed at Page Delete Requests and we can still find and act on the request later. Most are somewhat slow to remove stuff, but that a librarian sees and acts on forum entry is completely left to chance.

Best Tapir.

bugcat: Thanks for telling me about the {remove} template (2018-03-22 14:54) [#11101]

Thanks for the info, tapir; I'll try to remember that template in future.

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