Forum for GoSuite

Command line invocation of saved file [#520]

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LawrieHodges: Command line invocation of saved file (2006-07-08 18:53) [#1843]

Using Resco Explorer I have been able to associate .sgf files with Go Suite. However, tapping on a .sgf file merely brings up the Go Suite front page. It would be nice if the .sgf file could be loaded directly. The same consideration arises if one quotes a .sgf file in an html anchor link. Ideally, the board showing the opening position of the game (blank board) should appear but currently the opening page for Go Suite shows. Can this facility be added to the wish list please?

reply ((no subject)) (2006-07-08 23:21) [#1845]

AshleyF: Yep, good idea. It's on the list.

It's made difficult by the fact that CF apps can only access command-line args upon initial launch. I'll likely have to make a separate Launcher.exe of some sort to which you associate the .sgf extension and it causes GoSuite to load it through some IPC mechanism...

LawrieHodges: Re: ((no subject)) (2006-07-09 13:24) [#1852]

CF application? Please excuse my ignorance and my guesswork is not up to it.

- OK. I've looked it up - LCH
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