Forum for DragonTourney2006

Happy hours on Dragon [#505]

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Androxylo: Happy hours on Dragon (2006-07-02 23:02) [#1772]

Hi folks,

I want to propose if we can introduce so-called "happy hours" on DGS so that we get more fun playing and also make more moves.

What is happy hour? It is when a significant amount of Dragon players are sitting in front of their computer (possibly with a glass of beer) and play Go on DGS. During this hour the pending games will progress faster, and you will get, well, more fun :-)

If just 2 or 3 of your opponents will participate in a happy hour together with you, you will have the opportunity to make from 10 to 20 moves in each game, possibly a 100 of moves for the hour.

Why you don't just play a game on IGS? I'm a father, and I have no idea what will happen in 30 minutes. I had to surrender many games on IGS just because I can't play anymore. On DGS, I just terminate my happy hour, well, early.

Can we chat to see who's there? Yes, please propose the best chat mechanism to make a virtual community during the happy hour.

When happy hour will happen? We have many players from all around the globe, and they have different time preferences. I think 5 hours per week will be good enough, some of them in the morning, some in the evening. Let discuss that.

In short, the happy hour is: chat, beer and Go :-)

Androxylo: chat (2006-07-03 00:40) [#1773]

I would say firt thing that comes to my mind is chat rooms in KGS. We can just log-in to KGS to chat but play on Dragon.

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