Need diagram/figure numbers [#4241]
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Need diagram/figure numbers
(2017-09-06 14:33) [#11002]
Diagrams will be easier to discuss if they are numbered, or at least have more concise labels.
Oh, unrelated to that: you use the word "destroyed", but then the following move, show black defending the square. The word destroyed carries with it a connotation of semi-permanence - which (to me) doesn't seem to apply here since the very next move it suddenly isn't destroyed any more. Perhaps a better word in this case would "threaten", since an immediate defense is possible.
Re: Need diagram/figure numbers
(2018-08-25 22:15) [#11163]
Given the impermanence of links to diagrams and sections (they change when you insert more of them previously), numbering is of limited value. This is one of the most unfortunate things about SL markup!
Destroy -> Prevent
(2017-09-06 15:01) [#11003]
I have changed the word "destroy" into "prevent"
Re: Destroy -> Prevent
(2017-09-07 04:04) [#11006]
Could be better if there is a diagram #5
I can see Black is dead, but others might not :)
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