Trick around graphics limitations [#4240]
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Trick around graphics limitations
(2017-09-06 14:12) [#11001]
You can add empty intersections with +, so you can add an empty border around the board if you need lines to go outside the edges. Code:
$$B Trick around graphics limitations
$$ +--------------------
$$ | + + + + + + + + + +
$$ | + . X . . X . X . .
$$ | + X X . . X X X . .
$$ | + . . . . . . . . .
$$ {LN 1:1 1:3}
$$ {LN 1:3 3:3}
$$ {LN 3:3 3:1}
$$ {LN 3:1 1:1}
$$ {LN 6:1 6:3}
$$ {LN 6:3 8:3}
$$ {LN 8:3 8:1}
$$ {LN 8:1 6:1}
Re: Trick around graphics limitations
(2018-08-25 22:38) [#11164]
Good to know, even if the syntax seems rather inconsistent! I have added this to How diagrams work (see ‘Lines off the board’).
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