GreenAsJade What if white descends at 8 _instead of_ atari at 3, basically saying "I'll have the corner"?
... I end up with this, which I can't see a sensible way to settle for either side!
It seems worse for black, because white has the corner and can attack whichever group black doesn't defend...
Uberdude White isn't alive in the corner yet and the outside white group isn't strong either, here is one vaguely plausible continuation. Black 1 strengthens the weakest stone and threatens a net. If white takes gote to finish on the outside then black kills the corner by turning it into an L group. Maybe white could attack at a next (though black has b/c) and it's a pain if black actually has to capture the corner, so another choice for black would be to not kill the corner but just extend with his left group along the side and then white needs to spend another move to live in the corner and black is fine.