It would be great to have 19*19 games on a server like this. Are there techincal limitations to consider?
I am pretty sure Don has said that his code will easily support 19x19 with just a change in the settings. So a separate server could be set up if there was enough demand. I think letting the 9x9 server work out most of the kinks is a good idea, and then setting up a 19x19 server at some point would be great. I don't know if will offer to host both servers, but I'm sure someone will when the time is right. A more complicated solution would be to expand the settings of the current CGOS to include multiple sizes within the same server... This is definitely more complex and would probably not happen anytime soon.
AndreasTeckentrup: I think the strength relations of the programs will change considerably on 19x19: the main reason is that the performance of Monte Carlo Programs will decline considerably on bigger boards, while Gnugo for example is already tuned for big boards (although my version still plays horrible opening moves sometimes)