Forum for Time Systems

term absolute [#3171]

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Dieter: term absolute (2015-07-23 10:48) [#10562]

I find "absolute + Japanese" to be confusing to the point of contradictory.

It could be so easy:

  • absolute means: one period within which you have to play all your moves
  • overtime means: a subsequent period within which you need to play a certain number of moves; there are basically two kinds: a multiple, shorter, overtime for a single move (Japanese overtime) and a single, longer, overtime for multiple moves (Canadian overtime).

Most overtime systems come after a first period which we could call "main time" but certainly not "absolute".

X Re: term absolute (2015-07-24 06:18) [#10564]

Yeah. That's hardly an alias for "(Base time plus) Japanese/Canadian time", let alone the main term.

HermanHiddema: Re: term absolute (2015-07-24 11:16) [#10565]

Agree. The current page sounds too much how a programmer would describe it. And indeed, the only place I've seen this where absolute + byoyomi sort of made sense is on a chess clock I own which allows you to program your own time systems. You could chain different systems, so you could so something like "1h absolute" + "30s bronstein" to simulate byoyomi.

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