What is the best possible outcome for Black?
Thanks! I think you are right. I did not find that move in my actual game. -Dent
This looks like white lives, but is 5 necessary to kill? If black connects in the corner with 5, can white make two eyes on the right? I would guess that maybe white 6 at 5 would then be alive?
In the actual game, I played 1 at 3 (hane) with the obvious response at 6, then 3 at either 4 or 5(?) I eventually killed but I am convinced white made mistakes. Both white and I were (are) low level players.
I would guess that maybe white 6 at 5 would then be alive?
Dieter: I could answer this but I think it is better for you to read it out then make a firm statement.
What happens after White's descent is indeed a cool kyu-level problem.
The first thing to note is that if Black saves his corner stones with , White will be able to live on the right.
More interesting is to note that even with , White doesn't have an eye in the corner yet : Black can fill with at , then captures and can be at again.
Now Black threatens to play and remove the eye in the corner (after White captures the two stones Black throws-in at again and it's a false eye), therefore White must play at herself to complete the eye — in gote.
Thus to live she must first complete a first eye in sente on the right. I let you figure out if that's possible ;)
p.s. For , Black should also try the hane (at a in the second diagram). Always try the hane ! :p
Okay, I'll give it a shot...
Yep, that's what I read. :)
Now regarding the Hane — following the proverb Hane, Cut, Placement, the hane is usually a working killing technique.
Black can't play a
Finally, given that white's alive and the clamp is bound to be gote, I think that this is the correct endgame play.