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Can Black Kill? [#3077]

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reply Can Black Kill? (2014-10-30 20:58) [#10282]

What is the best possible outcome for Black?

Black to Move  
reply ((no subject)) (2014-10-31 19:17) [#10283]

I think the B 18 clamp kills

X Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-01 21:38) [#10285]

Thanks! I think you are right. I did not find that move in my actual game. -Dent

Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-02 19:26) [#10286]
End position  

What about this ? Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-03 23:45) [#10288]

This looks like white lives, but is 5 necessary to kill? If black connects in the corner with 5, can white make two eyes on the right? I would guess that maybe white 6 at 5 would then be alive?

In the actual game, I played 1 at 3 (hane) with the obvious response at 6, then 3 at either 4 or 5(?) I eventually killed but I am convinced white made mistakes. Both white and I were (are) low level players.

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-04 11:40) [#10289]

I would guess that maybe white 6 at 5 would then be alive?

Dieter: I could answer this but I think it is better for you to read it out then make a firm statement.

Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-05 13:05) [#10290]

What happens after White's descent is indeed a cool kyu-level problem.

End position  

The first thing to note is that if Black saves his corner stones with B5, White will be able to live on the right.

W6 @ circle  

More interesting is to note that even with W8, White doesn't have an eye in the corner yet : Black can fill with B9 at circle, then W10 captures and B11 can be at circle again.

No eye yet  

Now Black threatens to play triangle and remove the eye in the corner (after White captures the two stones Black throws-in at triangle again and it's a false eye), therefore White must play at triangle herself to complete the eye — in gote.

Thus to live she must first complete a first eye in sente on the right. I let you figure out if that's possible ;)

p.s. For B5, Black should also try the hane (at a in the second diagram). Always try the hane ! :p Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-06 06:51) [#10292]

Okay, I'll give it a shot...


I think this lives because if B2 connects at 'a', W3 at 'b' makes two eyes, one at E19 where black is eventually captured and one at F18. Black at b just loses the corner group and white must eventually capture the invading stones for a second eye.

Can't prevent an eye on the right with 2 at 'b'  
Can't Falsify F18 after 3 at 'b'  
Timm: Re: ((no subject)) (2014-11-06 15:56) [#10293]

Yep, that's what I read. :)

Now regarding the Hane — following the proverb Hane, Cut, Placement, the hane is usually a working killing technique.

The hane  

W2 lives, because White's able to make a second eye at either a or b.

The hane  

Black can't play a

Finally, given that white's alive and the clamp is bound to be gote, I think that this is the correct endgame play.


The area around a is gote for Black so White's likely to have to play there first. Then B5 allows to close off the middle without too much bad aji.


Without the marked exchange, White can create resist with W3 and W5 and create a lot of trouble...

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