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Tournament library [#3032]

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OscarBear: Tournament library (2014-06-11 11:33) [#10147]

What happened to [ext] Is it just this link which doesn't work, or has it vanished...

axd: Re: Tournament library (2014-06-11 12:11) [#10148]

Now you mention it - there was a rather odd looking (because separate for SL) tournament wiki...

Dieter: Re: Tournament library (2014-06-11 12:30) [#10149]

I don't even know that format of SL link.

OscarBear: Re: Tournament library (2014-06-11 16:59) [#10152]

You can see another link here [ext]

Dieter: Re: Tournament library (2014-06-11 17:28) [#10153]

I see. My guess is that is was not restored after the major loss of data some time ago. Since it did not fall into the "wiki" subdomain, it may have been overlooked. I suspect there was not much data in it in the first place.

This community is currently not big enough to maintain volatile information, I'm afraid, but let my fears not deter any initiative. :)

OscarBear: Re: Tournament library (2014-06-12 09:22) [#10160]

It was a resource built up by the European Go Federation, if it cannot be restored, for me it feels a bit sad. On the other hand, if the EGF haven't noticed that it has gone missing, maybe it is not sad at all.

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