Some of these "split" openings are not proper [#3001]
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Some of these "split" openings are not proper
(2014-04-15 13:46) [#10044]
Playing an approach move at the marked stone is clearly bigger than splitting the left side. Splitting the left side does not develop the two Black star point stones. The approach move in the upper left contests the upper left corner and develops the two Black star point stones.
Playing in the empty corner is bigger.
Some of these patterns amount to playing inferior moves because you don't have confidence in your ability to play against certain openings. Why not learn how to play the best moves? And definitely don't recommend inferior moves to other people.
Re: Some of these "split" openings are not proper
(2014-09-15 04:17) [#10245]
I challenge the opinion here. I think Split-Fusekis are a legitimate option. Their purpose is 1. to avoid early moyos from pincers or framework-play and 2. bring the game into a streetfight mode. I play this fuseki regularly with black and white and since then got promoted to 1d on KGS and 5d on Tygem. Of course it would be interesting to hear opinion from a pro about how much you lose with split fusekis in comparison to "perfect play". I think if you split with black you do not lose too much, because you have already occupied two corners. With white splitting it leaves black to occupy a thrid corner, but remember: white has komi.
Re: Some of these "split" openings are not proper
(2014-04-15 17:07) [#10045]
I've read this page yesterday and I've found it very useful. It explains why it may be tempting for a kyu player to play like this and makes it clear that it is not considered optimal play.
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