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Daily study regime [#2941]

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reply Daily study regime (2013-11-05 23:35) [#9880]

People say go is like a mental martial art, and while I already have a daily workout routine, I do not have a daily go routine. What might you suggest for a player looking to improve. I am a weak single digit kyu by all accounts. Might it be beneficial to, for example, study a certain number of chapters on shape, then play a game, then life and death, then game, then some other subject, then game, or some other prescribed system of structured study? There are no players in my area unfortunately so I have no teacher but myself.

X Re: Daily study regime (2013-11-05 23:50) [#9881]

Important things to do to improve:

1. Play serious games and have them reviewed. AFAIK the Go Teaching Ladder still functions so you can submit your games for review. I gather you play online so you could also take lessons online.

2. Work on your reading by solving life-and-death problems or tesuji problems. Working a few problems could be part of a daily routine. Re: Daily study regime (2013-11-06 00:11) [#9882]

I have problems on my phone and a person from my old go club who might review my games. I also have access to some books and a couple bucks to buy some more, but what I'm looking for mostly is something like a daily checklist. For example, in terms of workouts I would do a certain number of sit-ups, push-ups, and squats each day. For go I know to play at least 3 games in a day but what other prescriptions might benefit my minimal daily study time

Slarty: Re: Daily study regime...with long term perspective (2013-11-06 04:29) [#9883]

Go is big pursuit, sometimes lifelong - more difficult to circumscribe in a workout than all the muscle groups. The main recurring advice from pros and others is 1) 'play' games, with 'review' during and after. 2) Do tsumego. Nothing else is really mentioned so strongly for daily practice. Life and death is that fundamental, that of all the concepts and skills you must learn, it is always present. (You could check [ext] this series for some more ideas though).

So, 1) Get through lots of games (even small board Go). 2) Do tsumego habitually. And 3) See a lot of variety over the course of your study (not on or within a daily basis, that would be silly). A true master cultivates passion for all aspects of the game.

The most reliable way to address 3 will be reviewing pro games. But also strong amateur games, mediocre amateur games, all sorts of books, experimentation, handicap Go and variants. Note that this is often phrased as "hang out with strong players" - that's not the whole picture in my opinion. It is indeed a very fast way to gain experience until your style saturates.

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