Forum for Computer Go

Just a remark... [#2913]

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reply Just a remark... (2013-07-22 16:31) [#9789]

'Wow' this page is a mess. The long jumbled list of links at the end needs to be culled and either re-incorporated into the body of the article or combined into a single list of links. The quondam "Summary"(!), which I renamed to historical background, needs to be further broken up into component parts. The polemical stuff about computational complexity could perhaps go on a sub-page, leaving a readable account of the actual progress of AI researchers over the decades.

X Re: Just a remark... (2013-07-22 19:37) [#9792]

Then how do you explain your recent edit?

mschribr: Re: Just a remark... (2013-07-23 13:46) [#9793]

The polemical stuff? What are you talking about? The computational complexity is necessary to succinctly clarify how the progress of computer go is slower than the progress of computer chess. The difference in progress is not because computers successfully use brute force in chess and brute force fails in go.

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