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Tygem ranks [#2879]

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Sinprejic: Tygem ranks (2013-04-26 15:05) [#9620]

As a data point I had a 12 game winning streak as a 1k playing on Korea 1 server for tygem, and was promoted to 1d where I am 3-2. At the same time my KGS accounts are 1-3k and my AGA Rating was 1k (though I will play as 1d next tournament since I won the last one). Tygem 1d is not very strong, but my friend who is tygem 7-8 d is 8d aga rating. My AGA & KGS ratings haven't changed much in over 2 years.

And to boot I've been playing on ipad, with a misclick every 4 games or so. (although one misclick turned out better than my intended move :) ).

tapir: Re: Tygem ranks (2013-04-27 16:23) [#9621]

There is a subpage data collection where you can add your data point. Imho rating systems like tygem (wbaduk etc.) with a more or less fixed number of games for promotion are horrible for producing even games, in the lower ranks you might improve faster than your rating can follow - which affects the rating of all the people around you - and the dan level ranks are too soft and on the top you have one or two ranks where everyone from 5 dan elsewhere to high level professional is in the top rank.

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