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Note from David Ormerod of Go Game Guru - please feel free to delete the information below when it's no longer relevant: I've drafted a 'new' version of the Baduk TV page on 23 May 2012, after receiving a request from an SL librarian to have a look at it. Some of the information provided previously was inaccurate, or based on rumour.
As of May 2012, both CJ's and Go Game Guru's Baduk TV services are in beta testing. The final pricing for both services is yet to be decided. We are aiming to end the beta by July and so is CJ.
I've confirmed this with CJ's project manager for their Baduk TV project before writing this.
There are no rumors there Mr Ormerod. If they are witholding this information from you directly, then it only shows you how much they want to remove you from the picture as quickly as possible. You handed them a business model and they now want to make the best of it. They know you can't compete with them, at this point they are laughing at how easy it was to take advantage of the situation. They managed to use your site to advertise about their service through a large targetted audience by giving you an embarressing stream. Then to turn around and offer a higher quality one free from themselves. They know you won't decline the stream they offered in an attempt to build your own clientele and to keep them happy and show gratitude. They also know this is just the comparison reaction that they wanted to gain from you doing so for once they released their beta. This is their game and their rules, they know this and are happy to take sente as they please.
Changing the Baduk TV page to reflect an advertisement for your website looks more poorly than professional in the eye of the public.
VOD is coming before june. Dubbing is coming shortly after. Wait for it.
I was the librarian asking David Ormerod per email what is the case here. Left the choice between an anonymous claim (from the US?) to insider information from a Korean channel and an undersigned statement by David Ormerod I don't find it particularly hard to decide whom to trust.
In fact, even if the claim would turn out true later on, the side looking bad in the eye of the public surely wouldn't be GGG / David Ormerod.
I was going to make a similar action and remark. Thanks tapir.
Hi Mr Anonymous,
Your aggressive tone is somewhat puzzling to me and usually, with people who like to make anonymous attacks from the safety of the internet, it's a bit hard to take everything they say seriously. However, you're making some fairly serious accusations about Baduk TV, which I doubt they'll thank you for, so I'll try to treat them seriously in this case.
First of all, business anywhere operates on trust and mutual interest. It's always been that way and always will be. It's fundamental. If you try to do business with anyone and you can't trust them, you're dooming yourself to failure from the start. All the contracts and lawyers in the world can't fix things once that trust is broken.
In this case, I completely trust Younggil and he trusts the person in charge of this project at CJ. Our dealings with them so far have all been in good faith and we have no reason to think they'll behave otherwise in the future.
Does that mean I think every single person at Baduk TV fully supports what we're doing? Of course not. They're a large organisation, and like all other large organisations I've ever dealt with or worked in, the people who work there have a wide variety of opinions on all sorts of matters. It's human nature, so why should Baduk TV be any different?
What we have to worry about is what the people in charge think about things. As long as they support our agreement, we'll continue working with them. If they change their mind, they need only make a phone call - and like anyone in our position would, we've always maintained an exit strategy in case that happens.
You seem to think that delivering video content to people using the internet is some sort of novel 'business model'. I have to confess that I didn't actually come up with that idea, but it's nice of you to think I did. It's not a business model though, it's a product at best and that's just a starting point. Anything else I've helped them with is just technology, again not a business model. If you or your friends genuinely think otherwise, then I'm going to make a wild assumption that you're not the people who get paid to make important decisions.
The fact is, while you might consider your Go analogy to be clever, business isn't a zero sum game and it's kind of important to realise what kind of game you're actually playing. It's not their game, because the board is so much bigger than that. They have a good product. As long as the people in charge think that they have more to gain by working with us, as well as developing their own services, they'll continue with that strategy. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Or are you asserting that CJ is going to suddenly cut off all Baduk TV distributors, including the ones in Korea? Or is it only us? Is it really in their (self) interest to do that? If your logic was accurate, then why would any two businesses ever choose to work together? And yet it happens all the time.
The reality is that, if there was so much to be gained from exploiting us, using the elaborate scheme you've articulated above, and stealing the 'business model' I setup many months ago in my spare time, then there should be even more to be gained by continuing our agreement. I certainly think there is and it's my job to make sure that's the case, though I have been known to be wrong. But which of those two points would you choose to be true? We either have massive influence or we don't. You can't have both, you know.
Perhaps you and your friends have misapprehended us as huge Go media outlet in the West? Again, it's kind of you to think so highly of us and it would be nice for everyone if such a thing existed, wouldn't it? In reality we're just a small business that was established for the express purpose of promoting Go. We just do the best we can. Sometimes we get attacked randomly by people like you, but in general most people are friendly, encouraging and offer great suggestions for how we can improve things, so we keep trying - as do the other Go businesses in the West.
If there's anything this last year has taught me though, it's that people often don't behave logically and strange things can happen. So I'm not discounting the possibility that you're right. In that case, thanks for letting me know. Again, if that's the case they need only tell us they've changed their plans and that will be that. There's no need to play silly games at the expense of the customer. Tell your friends to make the call and talk to the real person on the other end of the phone. It would save everyone some time. I'll be glad if Baduk TV is finally available to Go players around the world, even if it isn't delivered by Go Game Guru in the end.
While it would certainly be disappointing for us if our agreement was broken, we'd just put this to one side and divert our efforts back to the other projects we're working on. What's perplexing to me though is why you seem to be so excitedly jubilant about the prospect. And moreover, why you found the urge to preemptively gloat about it so irresistible. Would you care to explain that?
Time will tell.
All the best,
David O
David, some people have no purpose in life and try to get one by making other people angry. Their success is greatest when they can distract the people who do have a purpose in life, from their purpose, and draw them into an argument. I've been on one side and must often remind myself and be careful not to end up on the other side.
So, by all means, concentrate on the good vibes about Baduk TV. The deshis and librarians will try to keep SL an informative place and not a flame war. And that includes the angel on Mr. Anonymous' shoulder, I hope.
you are both being immature.
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