Forum for Drago

Komi 6.5 etc. not possible? [#2789]

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reply Komi 6.5 etc. not possible? (2012-04-26 15:19) [#9343]


if I chose engine game against Gnugo 3.8 e.g., and komi 6.5 or 5.5 etc... When you click OK nothing happens. You have to chose 6.0 or 5.0 komi - why is this?

Also, a bug? When you let it calculate the result, you often get results like "W+6.4". ?!?


X Re: Komi 6.5 etc. not possible? (2012-04-26 15:21) [#9344]

Ah, it's about the "," or "." as a decimal character. I'm on a german windows. If I enter 6,5 it works. 6.5 doesn't. Maybe you can do something about this in your code.

MrTenuki: Re: Komi 6.5 etc. not possible? (2012-04-27 00:43) [#9347]

Regarding W+6.4, my guess is that this is because the game isn't over yet. In other words, the score estimator is taking a weighted average somewhere when calculating the estimated value.

GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2012-04-26 23:06) [#9346]

In principle, only the dot is used as a comma separator and it is set explicitly when Drago starts. But Drago is compiled with a French system and perhaps the value of the decimal separator set when starting is lost and replaced silently with the local one at compile time. To add to confusion, when running Drago on my computer, it respects the expected behavior and does not admit the comma as decimal separator.

Ok. I have to upload a beta release in the days to come, probably on Sunday. This version will accept indifferently dot or coma when entering the komi. This should avoid these troubles. It would be useful if you could check if this release solves your problem.

Regarding the final score, could you save a game and send it to me? (email address in about box).

X Re: ((no subject)) (2012-04-27 16:27) [#9350]

Yes I can. But it's not the final score! It's about the score estimation while playing...

GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2012-04-28 11:44) [#9351]


I should have had this in mind. Decimal scores are given by GnuGo score estimator. This can be checked by opening the GTP window.

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