Forum for sh [#2619]

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PeterHB: (2011-08-31 15:52) [#8697]

2011-08-31 "In order not to let my playing abilities fall off too much, I have started a low-level activity: I have started to created a documentation (bilingual, English and German) that is supposed to be used as a collection of lessons for beginners up to SDK players. The first chapters have already been finished, the rules and some history, explaining eyes etc. Later chapters are planned to analyze and categorize life and death situations and tesuji, and I hope to learn from that myself, too. It will be a long term project and I will work on it in irregular intervals, so it will probably take many years."

Have you thought of contacting the man doing [ext] ?
It seems to be a similar project to your idea, and it looks like it could do with someone who can help with moving it forward and who can do english and german. It has been moving slowly for a long time, but looks a good project to me, so it might appeal. Co-operation is hard to swallow, but can be stronger than self-initiated projects. It is sad to see so many people start their own projects that are similar to other peoples', but neither make an impact. Sometimes co-operation achieves more, but it is tough. Anyway, just a thought.

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