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Criticisms on the traditional handicap scheme [#2551]

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Sebastian: Criticisms on the traditional handicap scheme (2011-05-09 20:16) [#8454]

I split the "Criticisms on the traditional handicap scheme" section, which contained two very different discussions: The advantage for white, and the introduction to kadoban. The latter is but one of many alternatives, some of which were already listed in the "Further reading" section. I merged these all into a new "Alternatives section". In doing so, I removed the following text:

"Another criticism concerns the usage of komi for opponents who often meet each other. Here, the system of kadoban provides an interesting alternative. One player starts off as Black. If he wins three games in a row, he promotes to White. If he loses three in a row, he next takes two stones. And so on."

This does not express criticism, but only alludes to it. What criticism exist specifically for komi among regular opponents? I presume the sentence is trying to combine two statements: (1) Some people dislike komi altogether, and (2) for a limited situation, there exists an alternative. #1 should be discussed in the komi article. #2 is already discussed to some extent in its own article.

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