Forum for Shygost

What's "The List" [#251]

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ChiyoDad: What's "The List" (2006-01-10 17:40) [#849]

I keep hearing about "The List". What is it?

sduff: The List (2006-01-10 18:35) [#851]

The list is Shygost's collection of Go Rules to aim to follow. As he said in his first public lecture, the rules are not of great use by themselves - i.e., without private lessons. Still, he has said that he will provide them if you email him (email address provided in the lecture). One of his students, Barrauss has the list included as part of his info. I reproduce his info here.

The List:
Am I ok?
Is he ok?
Where is the big area.
In the opening:
1. Play in response to issues
2. When 3-3 or 4-4 is approached, respond
3. Playing in Empty Corners
4. Playing in unfished corners
5. Aproaching 3-3 or 4-4 stones
6. Sides
7. Center
X Re: The List (2006-04-22 05:22) [#1454]

The most basic list:

Am I ok? (am I about to get hurt or hassled?).
Is he ok? (can I chase or hassle him to get profit?).
Where is big area (going for wide area or big points).

Priorities in the opening: 1. Playing in response to issues (things that are too good to pass up or to let happen, i.e. I have a wall and can use it to attack or extend from). 2. When your 3-3 or 4-4 stone is approached, respond (unless something else is urgent). 3. Playing in empty corners. 4. Playing in unfinished corners (single stones on the 3-4, 3-5 and 5-4 are unfinished corners) 5. Approaching the 3-3 or 4-4 stone. 6. Sides. 7. Center. 8. General rules:

Don’t get surrounded in sente.
When living or getting points:
Corner first, side second, center third.
When running away:
	Don’t get cut (no knights moves).
To attack:
	Take away a running direction from him. The one that gives you most 	profit or that makes it hardest on him (usually corner first, side second, center third).
When chasing:
	Getting cut is fine (chase with the knights move).
Don’t contact weak stones (weak groups might be ok to contact, not weak stones).
 Do contact strong stones (if you can’t mess with the stone 	later, it’s strong).

Of course all these rules will be broken at the right time. But these basic ideas will help you maneuver through situations.

this is my copy of shygost's list a little more complete

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