Forum for Pandanet Go European Team Championship

IGS vs KGS? [#2447]

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reply IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-23 22:39) [#8143]

Why is this being played on IGS? As far as I can tell this means one cannot replay past games, which would be easy to do were they played on KGS.

HermanHiddema: Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-24 01:36) [#8144]

Because IGS (Pandanet) sponsors the tournament with 10,000 euro... Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-24 22:16) [#8146]

Gosh. Where does all that money go? Admin costs? Prizes? I'd have thought spending some of it on making a better server where one can replay games would be a good idea. Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-24 23:49) [#8147]

There are substantial prizes. They may actually be $10K. Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-24 23:53) [#8148]

On IGS you can only replay your own games. Of course you can save the file on your local storage and spread it yourselves.

isd: Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 14:05) [#8151]

I found that many of the top games where not saved. Somebody informed me that this was because the player's accounts were too 'new'. This upset me as I had wanted to replay some of the games.

tapir: Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 14:59) [#8152]

Not only you.

Make sure to write this in the GoPanda threat on Lifein19x19 as well, where they are asking for feature requests and bugs. Setting times and handicap seems to be less than optimal, game record access very difficult. (I don't mind the general settings on IGS but at least the championship games should be saved and be accessible via the web page, which still lacks an unified result table. One for C group is on the swiss go association page.) Hope they keep working on it.

isd: Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 15:11) [#8153]

I cannot use GoPanda because it will not load on my computer. At the moment I am using glGo. Games are stored by the server as I understand it. You use theindex then the request commands to access the records. Putting together an HTML table for the results will obviously take a little time to do. I am sure it will come eventually. Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 17:29) [#8155]

It is easier to get the games via the website: [ext]

isd: Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 17:47) [#8156]

Where is the option to find somebody else's game records on this website, I see only an option to find my own. (Maybe I am missing some obvious link?) Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-25 21:51) [#8157] ;-) Re: IGS vs KGS? (2010-11-26 14:18) [#8158]

This probably won't help you much, but the Finns have stored their team's games here: [ext]

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