Forum for Discrimination in Go

Sexism [#2366]

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tapir: Sexism (2010-08-23 01:07) [#7910]

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isd: Re: Sexism (2010-08-25 12:38) [#7919]

It's quite possible to imagine that direct or indirect sexism leads to a low percentage of female Go players.

At the 2010 EGC there was a list of amusing reasons for losing published on the main bulletin board, gems such as "Too big boobs" came up. Some might consider that offputting. You might argue tournament photographers tend to focus on women. Or that men tend to treat female players differently from male colleagues. Hard to document this type of thing. Anyway - it's a possible line of argument.

My own view would be that strategy games are generally regarded as a male activity, and the social conformity tends to exclude women from the game in the first place, this added to the predominently male environment, which one can argue as inherently intimidating. (Pair Go is supposed to create a neutral environment.)

velobici: in accounting for the differences in the male and female populations, ranks, and other obs (2010-08-25 15:18) [#7922]

Seems that we would do well to understand sexism itself before discussing it. We may have a variety of definitions that are not compatible.

  • What is "sexism"?
  • How is sexism different from discrimination?
  • How do we detect sexism?
  • How might we rule sexism out, or discount sexism, as a factor?

(responding to isd: factor in accounting for the differences in the male and female populations, ranks, and other observable, measurable characteristics)

isd: Re: Sexism (2010-08-25 15:39) [#7925]
  • Generally, sexism is a belief that a particular sex is inferior. I suppose dehumanisation can find a place inside this.
  • Obviously discrimination is well understood, choosing to act negatively on the basis of x? where x? can take on so many values Age, Gender, Height, Intelligence, Playing Strength, etc
  • I have no idea how one would go about detecting sexism, other than by conducting an extensive and detailed survey of Go players in their environments. To my knowledge, no such study exists.
  • What factor are you referring to? (Any factor cannot reasonably be excluded in general terms without an extensive study of Go players in their environments.)
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