Ian Davis

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Although I play a lot of Go on KGS, I also play at my [ext] local club sometimes.

I learnt to play at Durham University, gave up for a few years then took up the game on arriving in Cambridge, where I actually improved pretty dramatically. These days I pretty much just stagnate.My tournament playing [ext] history is viewable here.

  • American Sandan (3.38446) after US Open 2009
  • Represented Ireland in Japan (WAGC) 2008.
  • Shodan after British Open 2007.
  • Nidan after 2nd World Mind Sports Games, 2012.
  • Represented Ireland in Korea (KPMC) in 2006 and 2010 (25th place).
  • Irish Champion in [ext] 2007, [ext] 2009 and [ext] 2010.

People I have learnt from :: Guojuan, JennieShen, Solaris , Tictactoe RIP AllanScarff who first delivered some strategy to me

Bad software I have written, see my subpage Ire (even the name is bad)

Online Go

  • Ran the first online tournament for the BGA in 2004 and 2005.
  • Responsible for a Texas - Ireland match
  • Organised Irish 9x9 Championship events on DGS (in 2006?)
  • Two Irish Online Championships in 2007 and 2008.
  • In 2009 I created an Irish Interprovincial Team Competition, which ran for 3 years, it has been restarted since.
  • In 2014 I started an Irish Correspondence Go Championship. This is still running.
  • Admin for quite a long time on the KGS server until 2015.

Top Blogs

There are not many that I have found worthy of regular attention, but I regularly check the following

Irish Go


In 2007 I organised the first real tournament in Belfast with Catalin Taranu as guest pro. The tournament was repeated in 2008, 2009, 2010, and in 2011. I was on the IGA committee for about 8 years, including a reign as President of the IGA for 3 years. Now, as an emigre, I don't do much at all apart from the Correspondence Championship and the Newsletter. Recently I created an [ext] unblog which I plan to use to document Irish Go a little more. It has reached the stage where it is reasonably complete enough to be worth reading.

Other things

  • Ratings: One of my pet projects was tracking the evolution of rating distributions in various european countries, but I still don't have a good approach for this. Dave de Vos made a study of rating variations in 2017/2018 which made me lose interest. :)
  • I am part of Das Team EGN, an organisation which few will have heard of.
  • I occasionally submit articles to the AGA-EJournal, particularly as the RFG reminded me that I still have an account there.
  • A [ext] nice book on AI by a chess player (Kieran Greer) I knew - although I don't think I said more than hello to him. That's kind of a painful revelation for me since we played on the same team occasionally.

Poor Quality Translations

I have translated [ext] GO-ul in Competitii This is a book which you are unlikely to have heard of. It was by the Romanian player Radu Baciu. I am actually quite proud of translating this work, if you're starting Go you might enjoy reading it. I have also translated a booklet by Maitre Lim which is called [ext] Note sur des parties commentées.

magic tools


It is morbid, but I keep the list here to remind me. Players I have known (spoken to) who have died: Alain Borrell, Tony Goddard, Brian Gallagher, John Hall, Allan Scarff, Brian Timmins, (T)Mark Hall, David Ward, Clive Hendrie, Andrew Grant, Brian Dackombe, Xinyi Lu, Gerry Mills, Dave Strowgler, Jean Hossenlopp,

Ian Davis last edited by on June 25, 2021 - 17:14
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