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Does anyone know the Dewey Decimal Code for Go books? [#2343]

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reply Does anyone know the Dewey Decimal Code for Go books? (2010-08-03 11:24) [#7861]

I have a very large library that I organize with The Dewey Decimal system. I was hoiping someone could tell me the specific numbers for Go (e.g. Chess is 794.1)

willemien: UDC and DDC guess (2010-08-03 22:22) [#7866]

not sure UDC (almost the same as DDC) gives the following classification

[ext] http://www.udcc.org/udcsummary/php/index.php?lang=en

794 Board and table games (of thought, skill and chance)

794.1 Chess

794.2 Minor board games not dependent on chance Including: Draughts (checkers)

794.3 Table games with pieces or counters and an element of chance Including: Backgammon. Ludo. Dominoes. Mah-jong. Snakes and ladders

so for UDC it is 794.2 but that includes all "board games not dependent on chance" so maybe a further sub classification is handy.

I don't know if there is a further approved classification. (I do doubt it)

Update at another site: [ext] http://d-nb.info/gnd/4071909-1 (German) it looks like the DDC code is 794.4

reply ((no subject)) (2010-08-03 20:45) [#7868]

openlibrary.org lists the book Essential Joseki as Dewey Decimal call number 794.4 ( [ext] http://openlibrary.org/books/OL75121M/Essential_joseki) but Invincible is listed as 794.2 ([ext] http://openlibrary.org/works/OL5553943W/Invincible). Other go books are listed simply as 794, with no decimal extension.

willemien: official reply (2010-08-17 00:21) [#7886]

I contacted the [ext] OCLC the organisation has the has the trademark and copyrights associated with the [ext] Dewey Decimal Classsification and they emailed me that the DDC for Go is 794.4

Was wondering if we can also put this somewhere else on our library (suggestions welcome)

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