Forum for L'ame du go

question - moved from the main page [#2301]

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Malcolm: question - moved from the main page (2010-06-03 14:00) [#7743]

igoalone:what if


were played? does this connect the black stones with enough surety?


Phelan: Depends on the ladder (2010-06-09 15:10) [#7760]

In that case it would depend on a ladder:


Usually when things are closer to the edge of the board(or other groups), the positions get more complicated.

Malcolm: question - moved from the main page (2010-06-10 10:31) [#7761]
. . . . . . .  

If the ladders aren't good, then White could simply play one of these.

White also could play other moves which affect the potential ladders.

Overall, Black position is weak; there is bad aji. Even though Black has played 3 stones and White only 2, Black's position is not superior to White's - or at least not very much better. So Black's stones aren't working well together.

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