Forum for Teire

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"Fix the shape" [#2236]

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reply "Fix the shape" (2010-03-24 21:48) [#7542]

In go material translated from Japanese to English, the phrase "fix the shape" often appears. Is this a translation of "teire"? If so, is the meaning of "fix" more like "fix a hole in the fence" or "fix an image in your mind"?

I had thought it was the former, but this example seems to be more in line with the latter:

Otake's Secrets of Strategy: Diagram 1, page 99  

Otake: I wonder if you do not question why Black does not fix the shape with the atari at "a". As for that...

reply ((no subject)) (2010-03-24 22:09) [#7543]

Bob McGuigan: "Fix the shape" has little to do with "teire". Fixing the shape is the same as "settling the shape". If the shape could lead to different line of future play, fixing it would eliminated some of the possibilites. While it eliminated some of your own options it also eliminated your opponent's options.

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