Forum for Graded Go Problems For Beginners
vol 3 problem 184 error [#2218]
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vol 3 problem 184 error
(2010-03-06 18:20) [#7393]
Black plays white dies.
The solution listed as correct is "1,2,a" when it should be "1,2,b"
Re: vol 3 problem 184 error
(2010-03-06 21:53) [#7395]
Assuming your transcription from the book is accurate, the solution "1,2,a" looks correct to me. It kills succinctly by shortage of liberties.
not wrong
(2010-03-06 23:10) [#7396]
And indeed 'a' is a better way to kill than 'b', as if white were to live later from making a ko threat black ignores then after 'a' he has fewer points than had black killed with 'b'.
((no subject))
(2010-03-06 23:29) [#7398]
Thanks for pointing out my error -- I see now 'a' is correct.
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