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Can't access sgf files on sd or cf cards? [#220]

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reply Can't access sgf files on sd or cf cards? (2005-12-16 17:49) [#765]

I really like this program, but can't access any files that I have on my storage cards. When I hit 'Open Saved' in the 'Folder' Drop down, they don't appear, is there a way to get to them that I'm missing or do I have to move them into my main memory (really trying to avoid this) Thanks Much! PQ

malweth: ((no subject)) (2005-12-16 20:21) [#766]

I'm able to access folders on my SD card, but only at the root level (no sub-folders).

I have an Axim X30 which only has one SD slot. I would love to see an upgrade to this program that does not use the PPC file dialogue - subfolders are a must!

LawrieHodges: Re: ((no subject)) (2006-06-30 20:08) [#1763]

I agree. Subdirectories are essential. I have a very large number of .sgf files in a large number of folders on my CF and it is a pain having all the folders visible even when using some other application.

Lawrie Hodges

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