I propose to introduce a template "This page deals with Go rules research".
Adding the keyword "rules" (besides some other keywords like "ko", "advanced") suffices. "This page deals with Go rules research" as a template would be misleading because it also deals with a strategic object (ko), go theory, examples, and application of earlier research.
For your pleasure, I have added historical context to the parent page.
Whatever wikification is, please add it, if deemed necessary!
If you want to add your encouragment to hide contents disclaimer ("this page is probably a personal project in disguise and should therefore be renamed to a subpage of the author's homepage") to several new pages, an answer is also requred several times. So let me repeat:
It is my personal hobby to research in Go theory. Go theory, however, is something that can be useful for everybody interested in it. That currently (depending on how one measures such figures) I do about 20% to 80% of the research on the topic ko terms does not mean though that it would be an only personal project. Go theory is for everybody interested in it. That somebody does the research and invests years of time while others are just consumers of the discovered theories does not mean that the research would be private and secret. The research results shall be public and open so that everybody can benefit from them if only he is interested at all.
In particular, the three most important formal definitions of Go terms are (in order of their discovery): eye, territory, ko. They are the most important because these are central terms and concepts of Go theory. Future understanding of Go theory by both interested players and by researchers will benefit greatly from the definitions because they lay the fundament for precise understanding of more advanced terms, concepts and strategy.