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Go Album TAGs [#209]

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phalos: Go Album TAGs (2005-12-10 04:32) [#719]

Good day,

I have downloaded GO ALBUM, and have a nice set of GoProblems 6,000 tsumego. However, I do not see any TAGs when looking in Go Album. Are there any utilities that will give TAGs to the SGFs?

X Re: Go Album TAGs (2006-02-23 19:18) [#1099]

You can add tags (manually) to your problems from within Go Album. If you are asking if there some way of automating the adding of tags to your 6,000 tsumego problems, I know of no such program at the moment

malweth: ((no subject)) (2006-02-23 22:04) [#1101]

The Tags in Go Album are not related to any SGF. Instead, they are contained in the XML file created by the program.

The easier way to do multiple tags is to import your collection bit-by-bit according to the tag you wish it to have. You can then tag the full import using the multiple-tagging options.

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