Forum for CBlue's Elementary Course
bamboo joint is good or bad shape depending on the context [#2025]
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bamboo joint is good or bad shape depending on the context
(2009-11-09 15:19) [#6533]
One objection: a bamboo joint is only good shape when there are neighbouring stones of the other colour. If there are just 4 stones of the same colour by themselves in a bamboo joint without enemy stones around, then actually it makes a heavy, bad shape. Rather like the difference between an empty triangle and and a "non-empty" triangle.
As this is aimed to be read by beginners I think this is worth explaining explictly.
Re: bamboo joint is good or bad shape depending on the context
(2009-11-23 16:23) [#6602]
Thanks, a good point. I added a note to the bamboo joint accordingly. :)
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(2009-11-23 16:23) [#6601]
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