Bug Report

(Bug) Circular alias [#1998]

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tapir: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-18 02:43) [#6459]

I managed to turn PlacesWithoutAClub? into a circular alias. I wonder how this was possible...

fractic: Re: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-18 12:25) [#6460]

I've turned it into an alias of FindLocalPlayers? which is what I suspect you wanted to do.

tapir: Re: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-18 23:51) [#6467]

This is what I wanted to do... as I got only an error message while accessing the page I wonder how you could change it.

fractic: Re: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-19 08:57) [#6469]

You can use the url [ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?edit=PAGENAME directly to edit it.

Phelan: Re: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-19 19:25) [#6470]

This happened to me before. I think it happens when you do the renaming of the two pages in the wrong order. At least, that was the problem when it happened to me.

tapir: Re: (Bug) Circular alias (2009-10-19 20:31) [#6471]

It was a circular renaming with an intermediary step. I either missed sth. or it was just in the cache. Anyway, thank you fractic!

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