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Perfect... Just perfect... [#1852]

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reply Perfect... Just perfect... (2009-06-01 20:00) [#6107]

Why the heck did Sony need to name their new portable gaming console the [ext] "PSP Go"?

Now whenever I'm trying to describe Go to someone, I'll need to add a new predictable line to the speech.

Me: "...Its not the english verb, but the name for a game..."

Them: "Oh, you mean the portable game console?"

Me: *facepalm* "No, thats the PSP Go, this is an Asian Strategy Game..."

I should really start introducing it as a game called Baduk...

Unkx80: Re: Perfect... Just perfect... (2009-06-01 20:08) [#6109]

Or say that it is a board game. Or say that it is a game with thousands of years of history. Or say that it is a game originated from China called Weiqi. Or say that it is not the PSP. =)

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