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Creating new SL pages [#1828]

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reply Creating new SL pages (2009-05-14 22:52) [#6049]

Please forgive my dinosaur level of technical understanding, but I am rather confused about how to contribute to SL... According to the instructions, it says "To add a new page to Sensei's Library just create a link to it from an existing page." Unfortunately, being a little slow and lvery incompetent, I cannot seem to work out how to create a link. Where do I click or which command do I write and where? Any help would be really appreciated!

X Re: Creating new SL pages (2009-05-14 23:04) [#6050]

You just throw in a link to a page that hasn't been made yet, something like "]thispagehasnotbeenmadeyeteverinthehistoryoftheworld[" (pretend the brackets are reversed), then a question mark should appear next to it and you click that to go to the new page which you can then create by editing it.

Unkx80: Re: Creating new SL pages (2009-05-14 23:44) [#6051]

More precisely, the wiki code

   [name of your new page]

will create

   name of your new page?

which you can click on the question mark as mentioned.

However, please select meaningful page names, which are essentially the titles of their contents. We will rename pages if their names do not give any insight to their contents.

reply Creating new SL pages (2009-05-15 10:06) [#6055]

Many thanks to both of you for the quick replies! However, (and please excuse my continuing lack of understanding) I am being stumped by not being able to find the command to create a link, as suggested by the instructions.

What steps must I take to "throw in" a link or create a link? There must be a menu I can search and select etc.

Any further help would be greatly appreciated!


HermanHiddema: Re: Creating new SL pages (2009-05-15 10:18) [#6056]

Links must be created in existing pages. So

  1. Find a page from which you think your new page should be linked
  2. Click "edit page" at the top.
  3. Edit the text to include [The Page Name You Want] between square brackets.
  4. Save the page
  5. In the page, there should now by a link like this: The Page Name You Want?
  6. Click on the question mark "?" at the end there.
  7. A new "edit page" screen will appear, you are now editing your new page
  8. Put in the content you want, and save the page
  9. Done :-)

If you don't know any good place to link your new page from, feel free to ask here, maybe we can help.


Herman. Re: Creating new SL pages (2009-05-15 10:27) [#6057]

Many thanks! That has solved the problem. You have been extremely helpful, thank you!

PeterHB: Example to try for creating a new page (2009-05-15 10:59) [#6058]

Go to:

[ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?SandBox

  1. Click on the question mark at the end of SandBoxTest?
  2. Type "Hello, this is a test" in the large white area.
  3. Save the page

To see the result: [ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?SandBoxTest

Now go back to:
[ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?SandBox

  1. Click "Edit page" at the top.
  2. Look for [SandBoxTest?] in the big white area.

That is what you clicked on to create the new page SandBoxTest.
Hopefully it is now clear that you create a new page by putting a bit of text in any other page with a couple of square brackets around it. Save that, then click on it to create your new page.

Best of luck. -- PeterHB

P.S. If you get too enthusiastic blanking out current pages, to try this out, you will get the confusing response that the pages re-appear as they were before you edited them. This is due to other people on Sensei's Library wishing the current content of the page to be preserved. Its best to do your initial testing for understanding in the SandBox.

X Re: Example to try for creating a new page (2009-05-16 12:06) [#6066]

Peter Thanks also to you for all the advice! I will be posting some stuff on Weiqi and other issues soon on SL. Kind regards

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