Forum for Catalin Taranu

the only one to earn professional status through normal means [#1807]

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velobici: the only one to earn professional status through normal means (2009-04-27 16:45) [#5983]

Is this correct ?

Was Michael Redmond's promotion to professional shodan not via the normal means ?

tapir: Re: the only one to earn professional status through normal means (2009-04-27 16:46) [#5984]

see: Joanne Missingham as well

HermanHiddema: Re: the only one to earn professional status through normal means (2009-04-27 17:26) [#5985]

As far as I know, Hans Pietsch was also promoted by normal means? And I don't know about James Kerwin or Manfred Wimmer, though I do understand that the Kansai Kiin promoted Manfred Wimmer in part to have the first "Western" professional (ie: trying to beat the Nihon Kiin to the punch, as they were about to promote James Kerwin).

I think it is better to remove this statement. Even if it was once true, it is unlikely to be true forever. Re: the only one to earn professional status through normal means (2009-04-27 17:58) [#5986]

I think we can say Catalin Taranu was the first European professional to be promoted through normal means. I meant to put in European initially.

Don't think Wimmer or Pietsch were promoted normally, but I'd accept correction.

I can't see any written evidence for Hans on further searching. However there is this "Hans Pietsch became professional at the Nihon Ki-in in Tokyo (two months after the tournament) and Catalin Taranu became professional after winning the professional qualifying tournament at the Nagoya branch of the Nihon Ki-in. This was made officially in January 1997." and P.Waldron makes the claim it was special recommendation.

It would be nice to have a promotion history for Catalin and Hans.

reply ((no subject)) (2009-04-27 21:50) [#5990]

Bob McGuigan: What does "normal means" mean? Exceptional promotions have occurred often and not just for Westerners. I think it is one "normal" way to reach 1p. I hope no one is claiming that these people didn't play strongly enough to deserve the rank, as might be the case with an honorary promotion. Wimmer reached 2p through the Kansai Kiin promotion tournament and Kerwin won the 1p section of the Kisei tournament. Maybe it would be better to phrase it that Catalin Taranu was the first European to be promoted through the insei tournament system (if true). I am concerned that some people might think that the "special recommendation" recipients weren't really qualified.

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