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Scoring Japanese and Chinese Method [#1793]

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bballkid: Scoring Japanese and Chinese Method (2009-04-21 03:49) [#5933]

Is there a situation where someone might win under Chinese rules but lose in Japanese rules with the same komi?

HermanHiddema: Re: Scoring Japanese and Chinese Method (2009-04-21 10:31) [#5939]

Yes. If there is no seki on the board, the score under Chinese rules will either be the same as that under Japanese rules, or will be one point better for black. So it is possible. For example, with a komi of 6.5: If black has 6 points more on the board under Japanese rules, but 7 points more on the board by Chinese rules, then white would win by 0.5 under Japanese rules, but black would win by 0.5 under Chinese rules.

With seki, larger differences are possible, because Chinese rules count points in seki, but Japanese rules don't. So for example:

Seki in the corner  

In this seki position, white will get points for both of the circle marked intersections under Chinese rules, but not under Japanese rules, which means that white will have two points extra under Chinese rules.

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