I must be blind. Another pair of eyes, please? [#169]
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I must be blind. Another pair of eyes, please?
(2005-11-17 19:22) [#508]
Korean Problem Academy, level 3, problem 70.
The correct answer is at a, but I can't for the life of me see why b fails. I count the same number of ko threats from each. Why is b wrong? Can white get a ko? How?
(2005-11-17 20:11) [#509]
Doesn't b transpose to a? And I don't see any possible way to get a ko. The shapes don't look ko-ish to me. Maybe the book didn't mention b because it transposes.
Re: Transposition?
(2005-11-17 20:41) [#510]
That's what I get, too.
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