Bug Report

(Request) Left/right breaks [#1679]

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HermanHiddema: (Request) Left/right breaks (2009-01-03 14:10) [#5471]

Currently, Sensei's Library has a way to make breaks that are basically <br clear="all">, ie they are line break that clear everything until they are passed any images/blocks on both the left and the right. This is done with %%%%

Could a markup be added for line breaks that only break left (or right), ie <br clear="left"> and <br clear="right">. Something like %%<%% and %%>%% or so.

See, for example, Grappling Hook Tesuji, where I've used several normal line breaks %%% to put the table of contents under the first diagram. Using %%%% would have put it under the image as well, creating useless whitespace. So the option of %%<%% would've been nice.

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