The ordering info page says to call Ishi press, and the copyright on all the pages say Ishi Press Internation. Are you guys sure it's not related?
The whole situation of IshiGames?.com vs. is hazy in the extreme, and the fact that Sam Sloane (well known Internet kook) is on the side makes it even stranger. If there's something you need from IshiGames?.com, I'd call the phone number they have listed and not use the web site. As long as someone answers the phone at some point and recognizes that you're interested in Go books and/or equipment, I'd feel safe enough to do a credit card transaction over the phone (which I could charge back if necessary later).
I have in fact purchased several books from IshiGames?.com successfully, but it was a few years back and closer to the time when they first published Cho Hunhyun Life and Master Games. I have no recent experience with them, personally. I can however say that a local games store ( Great Hall Games) has copies of several Ishi Press books that have never been published by Kiseido for certain, and I can't think of anywhere they would be able to get supplied with these books other than IshiGames?.com.