For a ko, a player can virtual-force something if he can force the something while exceptionally he may always make a ko-capture on this ko immediately after the opponent's ko-capture on this ko unless that ko-capture was preceded by the player's ko-capture on a different ko.
Hi Robert, in the definition you gave above, there is a 43-word segment that has no comma whatsoever, making it very difficult to parse. May I suggest that you break this definition into two sentences or more?
I have yet to read your explanation but I shall attempt to do so later. But probably with a sentence structure that is easier on the readers, you might actually need less explanation.
Eh, yes, the difficulty of English because of its rarity of commas indeed... :)
Saw your rules-like wording. Much easier to understand, thanks.
Just a clarification question on the Released Ko Rule. Let X be a ko. Suppose a player makes a ko-capture on a ko that is not X, and then the opponent makes a ko-capture on X. Then the Released Ko Rule degenerates to the input ko rules?