When does an account expire on KGS ? (and why at all?)
I cannot log in, yet see that someone else (guest account) played under my name (June).
Mine are those played around 3d level Oct. 2004 and Sept 2005.
I also are quite convinced that some games are missing - is that possible?
I clicked on KGS Archive through many month, but could not find games I was looking for.
Dear WMS: is a revival possible? Could games have been deleted?
Why are you asking this on senseis library? Yes accounts expire. No games don't go missing.
Why are you asking this on senseis library? <<<
Was your hidden meaning that I should have asked somewhere else?
Do you imply somewhere on KGS? My thoughts were: "I know Senseis" and "Many KGS users are on Senseis" and a long time ago , someone at KGS was unhappy, when I asked too many questions.
Yes accounts expire. <<<
No games don't go missing. <<<
can I do a re-registration and access the games played by 'me' - as mine?
OK, re-registration done. Who could link the games to my (new) account?
(as they do not appear under (own) 'Games' in the 'Edit user information' tab)
You've discovered the way I believe KGS works, that once an account expires, (which I think is after 6 months of no logon,) anyone can re-create that account name with a new password.
Try visiting the page: http://www.gokgs.com/archives.xhtml
and clickon 'Include expired and guest accounts?'. You may be lucky and get your old games listed too.
If that doesn't work, I suggest writing a polite mail to: admin@gokgs.com . If anyone knows, they will. WMS has delegated his KGS admin responsibilities to the people like 'glue' who look at the admin@gokgs.com account.