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Hotel near the Nihon Ki-in [#1504]

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maruseru: Hotel near the Nihon Ki-in (2008-08-01 13:14) [#4934]


first of all - I like reading your journal; you touch on a lot of (to me) interesting topics: learning Japanese, how to improve; living in Japan etc.

Which hotel near the Nihon Ki-in in Ichigaya did you stay in? Just asking because when I was in Tokyo for two weeks in May (2008), I stayed at the Tokyo Green Palace hotel in Kojimachi, also very close to the Nihon Ki-in. Kobayashi Chizu-sensei arranged for my stay in this hotel. The room was small (which I don't mind) and very well equipped, very comfortable. The average price per night was around 8500 Yen excluding breakfast (which I didn't want to have in the hotel anyway). There are some photos of the hotel at [ext]

So when I get back to Tokyo, I'd like to use that hotel again, but if you have a different choice, I'd be interested in learning about it.



reply reply (2008-08-01 13:58) [#4935]

Hi Marcel! Thanks for your nice words.

I stayed in the Arcadia Hotel, which is across the main road from the Kiin. I didn`t have a reservation so I had to stay in a double for about 11000 yen, but it was very comfortable. Ichigaya`s a nice area, isn`t it? It seems surprisingly tranquil given that it` s right in the middle of Tokyo. The river is very peaceful, although I wonder why it`s such a green shade of green.

Anyway, do let me know if you happen to be in the Hiroshima area at any time during your next visit. I`ll show you where you can play go here.

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