Forum for Drago

Two features requests [#150]

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reply Two features requests (2005-11-09 16:43) [#423]


First I need to say that of all the programs and editors I've tried, Drago is currently my favorite. :) It has almost everything all the other programs has put together into a single elegant program. Two things that are missing though:

1. When exporting, the ability to show the board every move where there is markup or a comment. This would function similarly to "One figure every N moves", but let's say there's a comment+markup on move 11 saying something like "If black takes A, white .." and then one on move 17 going "The triangled stone looks weak .." etc. If I select it to print a diagram every 10 moves, the diagram for 11-20 will contain both comments and no markup and it won't make much sense.

2. The ability to export a particular board position as .sgf or "flatten" all the moves previous to the current into one "edit" node.

I'll try to explain the last one a little better and when it comes in handy: As a person who likes to go through a lot of reviews from GTL, I often want to create little mini-problems out of the situations which arise in the games where the reviewer comments on some fault with the current move and suggests some alternatives. I'd like to take that position and make a problem out of it for me to try out later when I've forgotten the review itself, to make sure I will learn to follow the reviewer's advice. The way I currently do this is I use the Jago editor which has an "export position as .sgf" to export the position right before the commented move, and then I load the resulting .sgf in Drago, mark the last move played, add the necessary branches (including the bad one played in the game) and the comments made by the reviewer.. This would be a whole lot simpler if Drago had a "flatten" command where all the moves made up until the current was flattened into just AW[]/AB[] markups.

- Olaf.
GillesArcas: ((no subject)) (2005-11-17 01:17) [#457]

You are right for both points:

1. First one is a very natural feature

2. I felt once in the same circonstances (commenting a position extracted from a game) a "flatten" command should be interesting because I had to edit the position in an empty goban.

So added to the wish list... Could be added to the future 2.0 release (introducing a tabbed interface) with the autoreplay mode feature (another wish).

-- Gilles

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